
History of Nepal


      The historical backdrop of Nepal can comprehensively be partitioned into three stages, Ancient, Medieval and Modern. The historical backdrop of the Nepalese government has been the essential and connected part of the historical backdrop of Nepal. All things considered, Nepal has considerably more than Monarchs with regards to domain of history. It has a Vedic past to brag about and a splendid element to hope to. 

       The historical backdrop of Nepal goes back to 11000 years. The late exhuming in the Kathmandu valley has discovered Neolithic devices. These instruments were utilized at the appearance of Neolithic time and a number of them go back to 9000 B.C. This tells about the pre-Aryan settlement in the then Nepal. These individuals were of Bhutanese-Mongoloid parentage. Nepal by and by gets specified in the Hindu epic of Ramayana. 

       It is said that Janakpur, in the Tarai Nepal, has been the origin of Sita, the wife of Rama. Nepal is specified as Kirat Pradesh in the epic Mahabharata that is said to be formed around 1000 B.C. This spot has been said numerous a times in the epic. It is specified that the concerned lord bolstered Kaurvas against the Pandavas in the fight. 

       In the years around 500 B.C, Nepal had numerous little kingdoms and the most effective among them were Shakyas of Kapilvastu. It was in the place of one of the Shakya rulers that Gautam Siddhartha was conceived. He got the name of Buddha when he was illuminated. In the later period Nepal fall under the guideline of the Maurya. Ashoka discovers notice in a considerable lot of the stone proclamations. In the post-Christ time, the Licchhavis of Bihar ruled Nepal. There are numerous recorded orders that praise the rule of Licchhavis.